FaT Samba

FaT Samba on Facebook FB logo link 

Committee Members 2024

Chair Pat Pat
Leader Chris Chris
Bookings and Gigs Co-ordinator Geraldine Geraldine
Treasurer, Admin and Web Andy Andy
Leader and Committee Julie Julie
Committee Rachel Rachel

About us

Platform One and Rupert Brown brought samba to Isle of Wight in 2001, forming RaW Samba, ( named after Ryde arts Workshop) and introduced many to the exciting carnival rhythms of Brazil. In 2004, the band split and a West Wight band was formed - FaT Samba, (named after Freshwater and Totland).

The cost per rehearsal session is £4-00. Uni Students and under 18's are £1-00 each. The first rehearsal attended is free, and you can try out any instrument ( subect to availability ). You can change instruments at any time if you would like to try something else.

We are a community based non-profit band, of all ages. The rehearsal fees, along with performance fees, pay for the band’s instruments and equipment, repairs, hall hire, insurance, web fees and socials.

For gigs there is a dress code of supplied red t-shirts with a Fat Samba logo on the sleeve, white bottom half, and a red headdress / hat /flowers etc. Occasionally this may change, for example, at Mountbatten Hospice Walk the Wight gig we wear yellow tops, and we now have an alternative top of Hawaiian shirts for some events.

We don’t wear our uniform at rehearsals.

When you first join the band you may feel a bit overwhelmed by it all, but with time you’ll begin to feel the grooves and playing along will become a lot easier. Please ask for help if you feel you are drowning, or have not understood what the band leaders are explaining. We want to help you become part of our band and it is important that you feel you are able to ask for help!

Ear protection must be worn during each practice session and during performances. Disposable ear plugs are provided free of charge by the band.  Better earplugs are available at approx £15 a pair - e.g. ER20 - available at Gear4Music and many music shops.


Under 16s MUST be accompanied by an adult throughout the rehearsal and at events.

As a band we aim to use the winter months to practice our grooves and learn new ones, ready for the summer season.

You can bring and play your own instruments if you have them, but we loan instruments to band members. To borrow an instrument, please see a committee member and you will be asked to fill in a loan form. Sticks, beaters and straps are available for members to borrow, but you are welcome to purchase your own.

There is an email members mailing list - give Andy your email address, and you can be informed by email about the latest news, gig info etc.

There is a FaT Samba chat group on Facebook for chat and quick response from other members - please ask someone to join you!

We play many grooves, mostly of afro-brazilian origins. Videos are available on the FaT Samba YouTube channel. If you do not have access to the internet please let Andy know and he can provide you with a printed copy of our gig lists and newsletters.

If you have any ideas for new breaks or grooves, please see Andy and he will test them out and then try out with the band.

Any suggestions for possible new gigs are welcome - see a committee member - or talk to Geraldine who is gig co-ordinator.